The main purpose of this study was to provide some empirical evidence on the effects of biogas
plant operation on health, sanitation and nutrition of the family members of the households having
toilets attached biogas plants.
The study especially aimed at assessing the direct and indirect effects (both positive and
negative), which were hypothesised to have been realised from the operation of biogas plant in
the rural households.
Approach and Methodology
Under the framework of BSP this study was carried out in Ishaneshwor VDC of Lamjung where
Self-reliant Society Service Centre (SERSOC), a local NGO is operational in the since 1992.
SERSOC had supported the installation of 161 plants in this district. Among the 9 wards of
Ishneshwar VDC, 3 wards (ward No. 7, 8, 9) having high concentration of biogas plants (69 out of
164) were selected for the study.
Main Findings
Impact of Biogas on Smoke Related Diseases
The study revealed that smokeless biogas produced from anaerobic digestion of animal and
human waste has greatly benefited the plant owners by contributing to a significant reduction in
eye related problems and respiratory diseases. Women now feel better in terms of removal of eye
irritation, eye pain, eye sore, headache, coughing etc.
Impact of Biogas on Health and Sanitation
Direct benefit realised by the plant owners was remarkable reduction in physical stress in terms of
more leisure that made them possible from time saved in firewood collection, cooking and
cleaning utensil.
The direct, effects of biogas plant on health and sanitation are found to be more visible than
indirect ones. Although reduction of intestinal and diarrhea diseases due to biogas-induced toilets
construction movement was not pronounced well, its impact on public health is sure to be
tremendous in future. However, its effect on cleanliness and sanitation is quite visible in the study
area. The change in sanitation and cleanliness and behaviour of the local people including young
members has been a matter of great satisfaction brought about by biogas and biogas induced
wave of toilet construction.
The biogas owners do not seem to have experienced any noticeable change on their nutritional
and income status due to biogas plant operation. Moreover, any minor change whatsoever in this
respect is not directly attributed to the biogas plant operation.
The present study attempted to test the presence and number of helminthic parasites in the
digested slurry. Since no ova were detected in the digested slurry, it is suggested that stool of the
plant owners be examined and the amount of slurry be increased in order to correlate the findings
of human stool and digested slurry. Laboratory tests of digested slurry along with biogas and nonbiogas
related activities needs to be carried out at the same.
Adverse Effect of Biogas
Despite several positive effects brought about by the biogas, some adverse effects were also
reported such as increased prevalence of mosquitoes, loss of warmth during winter causing
diseases related to cold etc. Since the major set back caused by the biogas plant seems to be
increased prevalence of mosquitoes, an immediate step should be taken to find out the real
causes of mosquito breeding and then to find out solution to overcome this problem
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